Vote Yes To FTWU!

Strength in Unity: The Power of Union Representation

As a deckhand working in the maritime industry, you play a crucial role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and smooth operation of ferry services. However, working conditions, wages, benefits, and job security are often dictated by management, leaving workers vulnerable to unfair treatment. This is why joining the Ferry Transportation Workers United Union (FTWU) is not just beneficial—it’s essential. By joining together in solidarity, deckhands can collectively bargain for better working conditions, fair pay, and a voice in workplace policies.

Better Wages & Benefits

One of the most significant advantages of being a union member is higher wages and improved benefits. The FTWU negotiates contracts that secure competitive pay, regular raises, and benefits such as:

  • Better Healthcare coverage (medical, dental, vision)
  • Better Retirement plans (pensions, 401(k) contributions)
  • Additional Paid time off (vacation, sick leave, holidays)
  • Better Job security protections

Without FTWU, employers may reduce benefits, limit wage growth, or implement policies that prioritize profits over workers’ well-being.

Improved Working Conditions & Safety Standards

Deckhands face challenging working conditions—long hours, exposure to harsh weather, and physically demanding tasks. The FTWU fights to ensure that employers uphold the highest safety standards, enforce fair scheduling practices, and provide adequate training and protective equipment. Union representation also means that if an unsafe working condition arises, deckhands have a more formal process to address it without fear of retaliation.

Legal Representation & Advocacy

FTWU membership also provides access to legal representation and advocacy. If a deckhand faces workplace disputes, injuries, or unfair labor practices, the FTWU has dedicated legal teams to fight for workers’ rights. Having a union behind you ensures that you are never alone in workplace conflicts or legal battles.

Solidarity & Community

Being part of FTWU fosters a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among workers. The FTWU brings deckhands together to support one another, fight for common goals, and build a stronger workforce. Through union meetings, social events, and community outreach, members can stay informed, connected, and empowered.


A strong union means a stronger workforce. As a deckhand, joining the FTWU is the best way to secure fair wages, job security, safer working conditions, and a voice in decisions that impact your career. Don’t wait until you face unfair treatment—take control of your future today by joining the FTWU!

For more information, contact a local FTWU representative or visit our website to learn more about membership benefits and how you can get involved!